Career Assessment

Career assessment x

Decoding The Right Career Assessment For Students 

As a student, trying to decide what career path to pursue can be an overwhelming and challenging task. To help, many higher education institutions are encouraging their students to take career assessments. But how does this help them? What is a career assessment approach? We’ll answer these questions and more in this blog post on why career assessment matters for students… 

The career path you choose for yourself often defines your journey, and the decisions that you make in the process of choosing it can have a monumental impact on your professional and personal life. But how do you decide what to pursue? 

Introduction to Career Assessment 

A holistic career assessment is essentially a way to test and measure an individual’s Interest, aptitude and personality to understand the inclination towards various career fields. It is always advisable to first go through career assessments which are proven scales and then go through career counseling in order to gain more clarity about how to explore what they hope to achieve in future. 

Career assessments can be incredibly helpful in measuring an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, these can also point them in the right direction and provide them with options they may not have considered before. 

Only a Career Counselor or a Clinical Psychologist is eligible to provide career assessment. Make sure to go to an expert with appropriate academic qualifications. It’s important to remember that a career assessment and career counseling should not be used as a substitute for each other. A counselor can provide guidance and support throughout the process of exploring different career options and selecting the one that’s right for you. And doing this with smart assessments has been proven to be a very successful approach. 


What is Included in a Career Assessment? 

A career assessment is an online or paper-and-pencil survey that measures your interests, aptitude, and personality traits. These results are then compared to the characteristics of different careers. The aim is to help you choose a career that’s a good fit for you. 

Career assessments include an Interest Inventory, which measures your likes and dislikes. The strongest predictor of job satisfaction is having a job that includes activities you enjoy. So, if you have no idea what you want to do with your life, taking an interest inventory can give you some clues about the types of jobs that might be a good fit for you.

Career assessments also include an Aptitude Inventory. It determines your capabilities to perform in different domains of life. It may also be used to measure either mental or physical talent in a variety of disciplines. The inventory works to predict what an individual is able to learn and do if given the right education and guidance. It represents a person’s level of competency to perform a certain type of task. 

Finally, Career assessments include a Personality Test. This assesses which type of personality you have and how it might fit with different occupations. For example, if you’re outgoing and enjoy working with people, customer service or sales might be a good fit for you. But if you’re introverted and prefer working alone, a desk job in an office might suit you better. 


Benefits of Career Assessment 

A career assessment can help identify your strengths and weaknesses, interests, aptitude and values, and provide information about the world of work. This can be extremely helpful for students who are considering their career options. Career assessments can also help you choose a major, set academic and career goals, and plan your coursework. Counseling is still an important part of the process, but a career assessment can be a valuable tool in exploring your options. 

Some benefits of Career Assessment: 

  • Identify an individual’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Find out an individual’s personality traits
  • Help evaluate an individual’s skills and values
  • Point out an individual’s suitable career option
  • Guide individuals to follow their passions with a clear path
  • Saves time and energy, promoting internal growth
  • Help individuals make an informed career decision

These assessments are genuine and provide authentic reports. A career counselor learns from the test results and assesses the individual’s interest areas, aptitude and personality traits to further guide the individual in a meaningful direction. Results are also compared to check the efficiency and thought process of the certain individual, so that both the client and the counselor can learn and gain a crystal clear insight. 


How It Helps Students 

A career assessment can help students in numerous ways from finding a right career to how to reach that certain career goal. It assists the students to focus on their education and plan for

their future endeavors and it points the counselor into the direction that needs much more focus hence setting the course of the therapeutic and guidance space. 

Some benefits include: 

  • Finds the right career path
  • Prepares for the future
  • Finds right jobs for their chosen career path
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Provides right information about different careers
  • Increases chances of success

Why are these Not a Substitute for each other? 

There are a few key reasons why a career assessment is not a substitute for counseling. First, counseling provides individualized attention and support that is not possible with an assessment. 

Second, counseling can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as set goals for their future. 

Finally, counseling can provide resources and information about different careers and institutions, and which can be extremely helpful in making decisions about what to pursue after graduation. 

Both, Assessment and Counseling, should go hand in hand for better outcome. The best thing about the process is that you do not need to settle for less or go for something that you are not comfortable with. You get the opportunity to choose for yourself and the Counselor will facilitate the process to help you achieve your goals and your success. In a world full of competition and hard-to-find opportunities a complete counseling process is a must to create your own success story. 

If you are someone who is struggling to find the right career path or make an informed career choice, do reach out to us for your career assessment and also book a counseling session with TEE experts at Miind my Miind, visit or call us at 9888130005

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      Dass 21 Questionnaire

      Check your Depression / Anxiety and Stress Level



      1 (s) I found it hard to wind down.


      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      2 (a) I was aware of dryness of my mouth.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      3 (d) I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      4 (a) I experienced breathing difficulty (e.g. excessively rapid breathing,
      breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion).

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      5 (d) I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      6 (s) I tended to over-react to situations.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      7 (a) I experienced trembling (e.g. in the hands).

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      8 (s) I felt that I was using a lot of nervous energy.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      9 (a) I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make a fool
      of myself.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      10 (d) I felt that I had nothing to look forward to.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      11 (s) I found myself getting agitated.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      12 (s) I found it difficult to relax.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      13 (d) I felt down-hearted and blue.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      14 (s) I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with what I
      was doing.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      15 (a) I felt I was close to panic.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      16 (d) I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      17 (d) I felt I wasn’t worth much as a person.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      18 (s) I felt that I was rather touchy.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      19 (a) I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physical
      exertion (e.g. sense of heart rate increase, heart missing a beat).

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      20 (a) I felt scared without any good reason.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      21 (d) I felt that life was meaningless.

      0 - Did not apply to me at all.
      1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time.
      2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time.
      3 - Applied to me very much or most of the time.

      Your score is



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      Locus of control

      A big question we all feel - am I in control of my life?

      This test helps you ascertain the degree of control that you believe  you have over your life and the events that occur. This belief plays a huge role in the satisfaction levels that we feel.


      1 / 10

      Is there some bad habit, such as smoking, that you would like to break but can’t?

      2 / 10

      Do you take steps, such as exercise and diet to control your weight and fitness?

      3 / 10

      Do you believe that your personality was firmly laid down in childhood so there is little you can do to change it?

      4 / 10

      Do you make your own decisions, regardless of what other people say?

      5 / 10

      Do you find it a waste of time to plan ahead because something always causes you to change direction?

      6 / 10

      If something goes wrong, do usually reckon it’s your own fault rather than just bad luck?

      7 / 10

      Are most of the things you do designed to please other people?

      8 / 10

      Do you often feel you are the victim of outside forces you cannot control?

      9 / 10

      Do you usually manage to resist being persuaded by other people’s arguments?

      10 / 10

      Are you sceptical about the extent to which your horoscope can tell you what you should do and what’s going to happen to you?.

      Your score is

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          How do You Cope with Anger?

          (The Behavioural Anger Response Questionnaire, BARQ)

          What do you most likely to do when you experience anger? This 34-item measure assesses your anger responses for children and adolescents – and may tell you which response you tend to favour when experiencing this strong, unpleasant emotion. A list of statements are provided below. State whether each of the statements are not true, sometimes true, or often true. This measure was developed specifically for children and young adolescents.


          1 / 34

          I say something nasty to the person who made me angry.

          2 / 34

          I use strong gestures (for example, make a fist, wave my arms, or give a hand sign).

          3 / 34

          I swear or curse, at the person who made me angry.

          4 / 34

          I hit or push the person who made me angry.

          5 / 34

          I express my anger by slamming a door, or hitting something.

          6 / 34

          I shout.

          7 / 34

          I wait until I am calm again and then talk to the person who made me angry. 

          8 / 34

          I carefully think it over and then tell the person who made me angry how I feel.

          9 / 34

          In a calm voice, I tell the person who made me angry how I honestly feel.

          10 / 34

          I try to understand what happened, so I can explain things to the person who made me angry.

          11 / 34

          I stay calm, and I try to talk about the problem and the person who made me angry. 

          12 / 34

          I leave the situation in order to calm down, and then try to solve the problem.

          13 / 34

          I do not show my anger but I talk about what happened with someone afterwards.

          14 / 34

          I leave the situation and look for someone who will agree with me.

          15 / 34

          I leave the situation, find someone to listen to my story, and ask for advice. 

          16 / 34

          I think about the problem first and then talk about it with someone.

          17 / 34

          I leave the situation and call a friend or family member to tell him/her how I feel. 

          18 / 34

          Even without planning it, I usually end up talking about my feelings with someone.

          19 / 34

          I get rid of my anger by playing music, writing, or painting. 

          20 / 34

          I just keep busy, until I stop feeling angry.

          21 / 34

          I work off my anger by doing some sport. 

          22 / 34

          I stay on my own to get rid of my anger.

          23 / 34

          I simply get very busy with other things to get rid of my anger.

          24 / 34

          I work off my anger by doing something else, like playing on the computer.

          25 / 34

          I tell myself that what happened is not important.

          26 / 34

          I try to forget what happened.

          27 / 34

          I put what happened out of my mind.

          28 / 34

          I do not want to have to cause trouble, so I keep my feelings to myself.

          29 / 34

          I just wait to feel better.

          30 / 34

          I try to keep busy so I can forget about what happened.

          31 / 34

          I keep thinking about what I wish I had done, but didn’t do.

          32 / 34

          I find it hard to stop thinking about what happened.

          33 / 34

          I am upset for a long time after this kind of situation.

          34 / 34

          In my mind, I go over the situation that made me angry again and again.

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          Are You Kind to Yourself?

          (The Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form, SCS-SF)

          Are you kind to yourself, and accepting of your personality? Self-compassion relates to your ability to ‘hold one’s suffering with a sense of warmth, connection and concern (Neff, 2003). This ability consists of self-kindness, self-judgement, the view that others suffer too (common humanity), feelings of isolation from others when one fails, as well as mindfulness towards one’s difficult situation and the extent to which one over-identifies with failure. This 12-item measure assesses your self-compassion ability. Simply answer each statement from ‘almost never’ to ‘almost always’ to indicate the extent to which you engage in these behaviours during difficult times of challenge and setbacks.


          1 / 12

          When I fail at something important to me I become consumed by feelings of inadequacy.

          2 / 12

          I try to be understanding and patient towards those aspects of my personality I don’t like.

          3 / 12

          When something painful happens I try to take a balanced view of the situation.

          4 / 12

          When I’m feeling down, I tend to feel like most other people are probably happier than I am.

          5 / 12

          I try to see my failings as part of the human condition.

          6 / 12

          When I’m going through a very hard time, I give myself the caring and tenderness I need.

          7 / 12

          When something upsets me I try to keep my emotions in balance.

          8 / 12

          When I fail at something that’s important to me, I tend to feel alone in my failure.

          9 / 12

          When I’m feeling down I tend to obsess and fixate on everything that’s wrong.

          10 / 12

          When I feel inadequate in some way, I try to remind myself that feelings of inadequacy are shared by most people.

          11 / 12

          I’m disapproving and judgmental about my own flaws and inadequacies.

          12 / 12

          I’m intolerant and impatient towards those aspects of my personality I don’t like.

          Your score is

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          How Mindfully Aware and Attentive are You?

          (Mindful Attempt Awareness Scale; MAAS)

          Being mindful means being consciously, deliberately attentive towards your present circumstances and environment, and being curious and non- judgmental towards the thoughts and emotions that arise as a result of one’s situation. This 15-item measure of mindfulness, called the Mindful Attempt Awareness Scale (MAAS) is designed to assess how mindful you generally are.


          1 / 15

          I could be experiencing some emotion and not be conscious of it until sometime later.

          2 / 15

          I break or spill things because of carelessness, not paying attention, or thinking of something else.

          3 / 15

          I find it difficult to stay focused on what’s happening in the present.

          4 / 15

          I tend to walk quickly to get where I’m going without paying attention to what I experience along the way.

          5 / 15

          I tend not to notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort until they really grab my attention.

          6 / 15

          I forget a person’s name almost as soon as I’ve been told it for the first time.

          7 / 15

          It seems I am “running on automatic” without much awareness of what I’m doing.

          8 / 15

          I rush through activities without being really attentive to them.

          9 / 15

          I get so focused on the goal I want to achieve that I lose touch of what I’m doing.

          10 / 15

          I do jobs or tasks automatically, without being aware of what I’m doing.

          11 / 15

          I find myself listening to someone with one ear, doing something else at the same time.

          12 / 15

          I drive places on “automatic pilot” and then wonder why I went there.

          13 / 15

          I find myself preoccupied with the future or the past.

          14 / 15

          I find myself doing things without paying attention.

          15 / 15

          I snack without being aware that I’m eating.

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